Simuel +


We are passionate about story. Okay, we’re a little fanatical about it, and don’t get us started on story structure.

They (good writers) say that structure is king. Yes. It’s also the queen, the joker, the custodian, and the family pet. For Simuel + Murray, story structure is everything. Without it, well, that’s partly why there’s so much forgettable content out there.

Story structure is the cement and steel-beam-supported foundation on which all Simuel + Murray’s other story elements reside and our foundation runs deep.  The deeper the foundation, the taller the building.

Look at this way: the Empire State Building’s foundation is 55 feet deep. That’s the depth of the foundation we dig for story.  

Simuel + Murray specializes in creating expertly crafted, story centric music videos, commercials, and, of course, film and TV.

Ultimately, our stories investigate the wonderfully and maddingly complex experience of being human because isn’t being part of our collective humanity while still being (hopefully) uniquely human awesome?

Damn right.

We are a proudly female and black-owned production company and we’re en route to transforming the world on behalf of story.

No need to thank us. It’s our pleasure.

 -Michelle Renee Jackson, MDiv

Founder – Principal Artist